Friday, October 19, 2012

"I wish that the place be a thing of beauty and a source of joy to the people of the Commonwealth."      
Joseph Allen Skinner at the dedication ceremony of the 375 acres and hotel he donated to the state now called JA Skinner State Park.

Week of October 19

In the beginning of the week we continued our study of the author's purpose, what makes a leader and the civil rights movement.  We read a song, Birmingham Sunday, by Joan Baez and viewed the video.  We researched about the bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama in 1963 which was a meeting place for civil rights leaders such as Dr. Martin Luther King.  
Later in the week, we read an article about the JA Skinnner State Park where we will travel to on Monday.  We had many questions about JA Skinner so we researched Who is Joseph Allen Skinner?   We also looked at a map of the park to get background on our trip to Skinner Park.   In science, students formed groups to perform the rock cycle song which was a great way for us to learn the three types of rocks and how they are formed.

Reminder:  Monday, October 22 Field Trip:  Skinner State Park
                   Tuesday, October 23 Picture Day
                   Thursday, October 25 Half Day Parent Teacher Conferences
                   Tuesday, October 30 Field Trip:  MRF Springfield
                   Wednesday, October 31 Half Day Parent Teacher Conferences

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