Monday, September 9, 2013

Week of Sept. 6 

Welcome Back!

This week we went over routines and procedures along with the daily schedule.

 Also we started the year with the book How Full is your Bucket for kids.  "Through the story of a boy named Felix, this book explains to children how being kind not only helps others, it helps them, too. As he goes about his day, Felix interacts with different people — his sister Anna, his grandfather, other family and friends. Some people are happy, but others are grumpy or sad. Using the metaphor of a bucket and dipper, Felix’ grandfather explains why the happy people make Felix feel good (drips), while the others leave him feeling bad (dips) — and how Felix himself is affecting others, whether he means to or not.  The message of the story is that the way we treat each other has an affect on our lives."   We hope this year we are "drippers" and avoid being "dippers".

We read the poem THEY and made an illustration.   The illustrations are of what we visualized as we read which is a strategy we will work on this year to improve comprehension.  We are learning routines for reading and how to record our thinking while we read.  In addition, in writing we are learning ways to gather ideas for a writing piece. .  In math, we took the math pretest and began the year with place value.  Also students received their Envision Math user name and password information.  They can now go on line to view the math book, assignments and games.   See link below.  Also, in science we started our study of rocks and minerals.   In social studies we will start with map skills.

Early Release,  1:15pm, Tuesday, September 10
Open House, 5:30-7:00, Thursday, September 12

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