Monday, November 18, 2013

Weeks of November 8 and November 15

We started the school wide read of One Thousand Tracings by Lita Judge.  The theme of the book is about acts of kindness.  Students will be recognized for acts of kindness with a tracing of a shoe which will be displayed in the school.   This book goes along with our How Full is Your Bucket book.  We want to continue to reinforce students and staff to be nice to each other. We finished a writing piece about a family tradition.  Students enjoyed sharing the traditions they celebrate with each other.  In reading we started our study of historical fiction.  The One Thousand Tracings book was a nice lead into it.   We will write at least one fictional narrative for writing.  In science we just started using the new Discovery Education tech book.  This is an online book and we are very excited about it.  All students have a password and user name.
 In math we took the October test and have started multiplying larger numbers.   Also we have been using the netbooks to complete problems.  Some examples below.

Early release Tuesday, November 19
Half Day, Wednesday, November 27
No School, Thursday-Friday, November 28-29 Thanksgiving recess

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