Sunday, October 18, 2015

imagesRoom 27 News
Week of 10/16

Working together to create videos.

   In science and technology we started our study of land forms.  We created a presentation on Google slides and downloaded it onto Animoto to create a video about our research of land forms.  Then we shared the videos on our Wikispaces.   Ask your child to share his/her video with you.  In writing we continued to edit our writing and self evaluate ourselves on the use of transitions,  a lead  and an ending.    In reading we continued reading groups and realistic fiction.    Also in reading, we have Scholastic News Magazine, online and paper copy, which has interesting stories and current events that motivate students to read.  In math we continued our study of multiplication and division.  Your child should be studying mat facts each night.     In social studies we continued  our study of Mexico using Google classroom.  
Your child should read for at least 20 minutes nightly and sign the reading log.

Math Tip of the Week
Grab a deck of cards and play some fun math games!  Visit for video instruction of how to play "Make Ten" and "Compuatiuon War."  Check the website often for new ways to help your child in math.

                Please visit our class website at
Important Dates:
Tuesday, 10/20 Early Release at 1:15 pm
Friday, 10/30 Early Dismissal at 11:00 am

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