Thursday, December 1, 2016

imagesRoom 27 News
Weeks of 12/2/2016

Dreambox has started in our math classes.  Dreambox is a motivating online math software to help students develop math skills.  Students can access Dreambox at home  Students have an email and password to login.  Also in math we worked on estimation, rounding and multiplying 2-digit numbers.   Your child should study his/her math facts nightly.  In writing we worked on a narrative about a person we admire.   In reading, we started a new Reading Log and book.  Every student has a book to read for at home.  The reading log should be completed each night.  Please sign the Reading log. In social studies we completed our research of Mexico and Canada.  We created Google slides for our research and we will make a video to share what we learned.  
Your child should read for at least 20 minutes nightly and sign the reading log.

MATH Tip of the Week: Make a point to praise your child’s efforts in math.  Don’t focus on mistakes. Offer praise every time your child finishes an assignment and every time he or she figures out a difficult problem.

                Please visit our class website at


  • 12/6: 11:00 Dismissal: Professional Development and Curriculum Day
  • 12/9: Mismatch Day
  • 12/16: Color Spirit Day

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