Friday, September 11, 2015

imagesRoom 27 News
Week of 9/11

We started the year with the daily class routine and using our agenda for organization.  The agenda should be signed by a parent/guardian every night.  In addition the front inside page of the agenda needs to be filled out and signed by parent/guardian indicating the student handbook was read.  This year the school would like to implement a school wide working (healthy) snack for grades 1-5.  Students would need to provide their own healthy snack from home.  We have netbooks in our class and each student has a Google account.  We use the the computers in all subject areas.  Ask your child to share his/her work in Google.  In math we started place value with comparing and ordering numbers.  Each student has an account for our online math book  (  Visit the online math book site and have your child show you about the site and his/her progress.  In English Language Arts, we discussed just right books and monitoring our thinking while we read using stick on notes.   Also we worked on reading and responding to questions using evidence from the story.   In social studies we started map skills with latitude and longitude.  In science we will start our study of erosion and weathering and how the earth is constantly changing next week.   Homework will be given Monday-Thursday.  Please take the time to read with your child.  Your child should read for at least 20 minutes nightly.

Important Dates:
Open House at Coburn School, Thursday, September 17, 2015
5:30 pm -7:00 pm
Field Trip, Skinner State Park, Friday, October 2, 2015
Early Release:  Dismissal at 1:15 pm, Monday, October 14, 2015
Schedule of Specials:
Tuesday- Physical Education (PE)   Wednesday- **Arts Block  Thursday - Computer   Friday (PE)
Contact information: or 413-263-3318

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