Week of 9/18
This year the school would like to implement a school wide working (healthy) snack for grades 1-5. Students would need to provide their own healthy snack from home. We will start snack next week. In math we continued place value with using a number line to round numbers. Each student has an account for our online math book (www.pearsonsuccess.net) Visit the online math book site and have your child show you about the site and his/her progress. On September 17th it was Constitution Day. We learned about the Constitution and its importance. Also we signed a class Constitution. Your child can share with you what we learned in his/her Google drive. In science we will started our study of erosion and weathering and how they affect the surface of the Earth. Every student has an account for our online science book at www.discoveryeducation.com. Have your child show you the site. Don’t forget to ask your child to share his/her work in Google Please take the time to read with your child. Your child should read for at least 20 minutes nightly.
Ask your child what he/she is reading. Ask what it is about and what is enjoyable about the book. Ask your child to describe it to you.
Please visit our class website at wsps.org
Important Dates:
Monday, 9/21 West Springfield Day at the Big E (after school)
Friday 10/2 Field Trip, Skinner State Park
Monday, 10/12, No School, Columbus Day
Schedule of Specials:
Tuesday- Physical Education (PE) Wednesday- **Arts Block Thursday - Computer Friday (PE)
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