Friday, January 8, 2016

imagesRoom 27 News
Weeks of 1/8/2016

    This week we started the school wide read of The Chocolate Touch by Patrick Skene Catling.  Each student was given his/her own copy of the book.  We will continue to read this book for our reading homework.  Each day we will read a chapter.   In science we continued our study of energy and types of energy.   In social studies we started the Northeast region of the United States and we will complete a project in Technology class with Google drawing and the Northeast Region.  In writing we finished our fictional writing piece.    In reading, we worked on author’s purpose, biography and open response questions.  In math we started division.   Your child should study math facts each night which will help with division.   

Your child should read for at least 20 minutes nightly, complete the Reading log and parent/guardian should sign the reading log.

MATH TIP OF THE WEEK:  Ask your child to explain what he or she learned in math class today. Letting children take the teacher role gives them the chance to practice new skills and to clarify their thinking on a lesson.

                Please visit our class website at

Important Dates:
1/18  No school, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Day
1/25 No school, Teacher Professional Development

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