Friday, January 15, 2016

imagesRoom 27 News
Weeks of 1/8/2016

    We continued the school wide read of The Chocolate Touch by Patrick Skene Catling.   We will continue to read this book for our reading homework.    Also Tom McCabe from Paint Box Theater was here again this week.  Tom worked with us on our story about a barn.   In science we continued our study of energy and transfer of energy.  We used marbles to explain transfer of energy.  In social studies we started our study of the Southwest Region of the United States.   We continued the project on the Northeast Region of the United States in Technology class with Google drawing.  In writing we finished our fictional writing piece and worked on drawings for our stories.  We will use Voicethread next week to record our stories.  VoiceThread is an interactive collaboration and sharing tool that enables users to add voice, images, documents, and videos, and to which other users can add voice, text, audio file, or video comments.    In reading, we continued biography and open response questions.  In math we continued division.   Your child should study math facts each night which will help with division.   
Your child should read for at least 20 minutes nightly, complete the Reading log and parent/guardian should sign the reading log.

MATH TIP OF THE WEEK: Teach your child math tricks, such as the 9-method.
Example: To figure out 9 x 7, hold out all 10 fingers. Start counting at the pinky finger on your left hand, and then lower the seventh finger (the index finger on your right hand). There are now six fingers to the left and three fingers to the right of the seventh finger. The answer is 63. The trick works with 9 x 2 through 9 x 10.
             Please visit our class website at

Important Dates:
1/18  No school, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Day
1/25 No school, Teacher Professional Development

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